Help Wanted

Mail Handlers Needed Seeking motivated and hardworking people to work part-time or on an on-call basis. $5.15/hour. Start work immediately! Call Mary Ann at 216-631-8646.

Position Available

Driver needed to assist sales person. Some overnight travel involved. Must be responsible, reliable, flexible, have a clean driving record and know how to drive a stick shift! Good pay plus meals and hotel Call Mr Adams at 216-381-3141. (24)

Downtown Deli seeking motivated individuals to fill the following positions: cashiers, sandwich makers, prep, kitchen, delivery people. No nights or weekends. Competitive wages, insurance available. Apply in person 9-11 am & 2-4 pm. The Lunch Box, 800 Superior Avenue (first floor of McDonald's Investment Center).


WORK ON THE PATIO! SNICKER'S, Cleveland's premiere lesbian/gay restaurant, is looking to fill these positions: Line cooks, prep cooks, salad persons, dishwashers and service personnel. Top starting wages. Tips outstanding. Full and part time hours. Please call Michael or Kathy at 216-631-7555 to arrange an interview!

Code Blue

Immediate openings for barbacks, "bartenders and food servers. Contact Jill at 216-241-4663 or 216622-0767. (24)

Ohio Clinic SKIN CARE and DAY SPA is a full service salon located in Westlake. We are looking for a stylist/colorist to complete our staff of professionals. Health Insurance, paid vacation and pension plan are among the benefits we offer. To schedule a confidential interview please call 440-808-9321.

Mail Order

Soul Mate


How and where to find Mr. or Mrs. Right! Stop spinning your wheels. Send $14.95 to: Svelte Enterprise, 926 Heidleberg Road, Suite 200, Toledo, OH 43615. Overweight? High Cholesterol? Hemorrhoids? Allergies? Medically-proven products from respected company. More info? Call 440-858-9653 or e-mail rainbowg@suite 224.net leave name, address and phone number.


Business Opportunities

Looking for financial freedom? Opportunities available with company whose stock has risen 1,200% in four years. More info? Call 440-858-9653 or e-mail rainbowg@suite224.net leave name, address and phone number.



Up and Running Computers

We can custom build a quality system to meet your needs. We also offer in-home services such as upgrades, training, and troubleshooting. Call 800298-5669 or 330-225-2893. You can also visit us on the web at http://www.upandrunningcomputers.com

Interior Painting Call Rich 216-221-5567


Relieve Stress & Aching Muscles

Licensed Massage Therapist, Elizabeth Leonard. 614299-0930.


Historic Properties

Large 4 bdrm house. 2 full baths. eat-in kitchen. full basement. washer/dryer conn., nice yard. $850/mo.

3 bdrm duplex, 2 bdrms & bath upstairs, huge living room. Eat-in kitchen. $650/mo.

2 bdrm apartment, eat-in kitchen,

back door with private deck, ADT security. $450/mo.

Paul Moore 330-296-8681 800-876-4783


Placing a Classified in the Gay People's Chronicle

Classified ads received in writing and with payment by 5 pm on the Wednesday after the Chronicle comes out (every other Friday) will be included in the next issue. Ads are 75¢ per word, minimum $15, for each issue the ad appears in. A headline is $5.00 per line extra and can have 25 characters per line, including spaces (22 if all capital letters). The $15 minimum can be any combination of ad text and headlines. Ads without headlines will have the first words boldfaced. Number groups, such as phone numbers, count as one word. Hyphenated terms (for example, 20-word or lesbian/gay) count as two. When in doubt, count it. No sexually explicit ads accepted. Make check payable to Gay People's Chronicle, or pay by credit card. Call 216-631-8646 or toll free 800-426-5947 for more information.

Headline (optional)

Ad text Please print clearly

Please check one category for your ad:

Help Wanted Business Opportunities For Sale Roommates For Rent Mail Order Services Real Estate Auto Wanted Erotica

Classifieds are 75° per word for 1 issue. Frequency discounts available: 70¢ per word for 2 issues, 65¢ per word for 3 issues and only 60c per word for 4 issues!

No. of Words

Payment must be made is full before ad can run. No refunds. $25 fee for returned checks We cannot print your ad without the | following information:


Name (For contact only). Address

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Mail to: Chronicle Classifieds P.O. Box 5426, Cleve, OH 44101


Beautiful single 1 BR home, modern interior, hard wood floors, open floor plan, appliances included, washer/dryer. $850 per month + security deposit. Available June 8. Call 216-241-3462 (24)

Superb, secluded apartment in rural Waynesburg, 10 miles south of Canton. I BR, new appliances, fireplace, terrace, great atmosphere, $400 month per including all utilities. Call R. Hunker 330-657-2528.

Quiet neighborhood setting, minutes from downtown. Detroit Plaza 1454 W. 11th. Modern suites. Compare this value before you decide. One bedroom from $365, heat and hot water provided. 216-221-9925.

Clifton Boulevard, 2 BR, beautifully renovated. $650, no pets, no smokers. Washer, dryer, stove, fridge. Parking space, large porch, large new kitchen, leaded glass, hardwood floors. 216-961-3665. (24)

W. 143rd, convenient area offers nice 1 and 2 BR suites, includes heat, secured entry, parking, I cat ok, great value. On-site manager. 216-941-7819. (24) Lakewood, a variety of 1 BRs, from economical to deluxe, check out your choices. 216-521-3644. (24) Lakewood, off Clifton Boulevard-west end. I and 2 BR suites, $405 to $525, available immediately. Heat and central air at your control, bright suites with large windows, laundry, elevator, parking, 1 cat ok. 216228-4715. (24)

Lakewood, 1392 Webb Road. Beautifully rejuvenated apartment community, I BR. 216-226-3287. Lorain, beautiful studio suites, totally remodeled, fabulous white-on-white kitchens include built-in microwave and dishwasher. A pleasant drive on I-90 west to Rt. 57, then north 1 mile. On-site manager. 440-240-9188. (24)

West Blvd. Duplex minutes away from I-90 and I-71. 3 BR, 1 bath, first floor living room, dining room, and kitchen. Full basement and storage attic. No pets. No smoking. Taking applications. $750 per month + deposit. Call MJ at 216-252-7362. (24)



Phone ( State


Ohio City large 2 BR, walk-in closet, washer, dryer, built-ins, off-street parking, $550 per month, includes utilities. 216-631-0632.






Card Number: Signature

Please PRINT name as it appears on card.

Mercado Home Remodeling

Roofing, siding, repairs, windows, additions, decks, gutters, soffit & fascia. Free estimate, fully insured. Call Dee at 440-553-4452 or 440-547-8010.


Host a CPRty Learn or re-leam CPR with your family and friends in your own home. It's fun! Prizes, raffles & gift incentives for hosting. Call Kevin for details 216-281-JUMP (5867).

East Side Massotherapist

LICENSED Swedish, Shiatsu, Muscle Testing, Deep Tissue, Polarity Therapy, and Taoist. Discount package available. Robert 216-321-2468.


He-Man Cleaning Agency—call us. We're very good, friendly & thorough! Ed Bricker 216-506-7091. (Legitimate inquiries only...please!) HeManClean (@ aol.com http://members.aol.com/HeManClean/ pubpage.htm

Don't hike all over town trying to find the latest issue of the Gay People's Chronicle...

Tell us where to distribute them in your neighborhood!

Call 216-631-8646 or 800-426-5947 Please ask for David.

There is no cost or obligation for distributor.


Expiration Date


Panama Canal Cruise

Sun Princess, 10 days. Acapulco to San Juan, October 24th, balcony cabins & ocean view at $1,699. Call Joe at 800-827-7779.



Gay and lesbian vacation rentals. Guest houses/Motels, Condos/Houses. Call 800-67P-TOWN. No fee for our services. In Town Reservations.

Real Estate

Northern Ohio


FARMS, VACANT LAND, Country Living Specialist serving 15 Ohio counties. 3 MLS services, discounted commission. Bobbie Podojil, $2100$ Realty, "The Money Savers", 800-293-7292.

For Rent

Northern Ohio

Clark-Fulton Townhouse


$350 per month + utilities. 5 room, 2 BR, basement, appliances, freshly painted, in older building. Offstreet parking for one car. No pets, security deposit and references required. Call 216-221-6385 weekdays after 6 pm. (24)

Family Counseling Center

North Olmsted

Counseling for gay couples

and individuals. Sliding Fee Scale, most insurance accepted.


Northern Ohio

Share Condominium

Looking for non-smoking/non-drinking gay man to share 2 BR condo near KSU. $225 plus 1⁄2 utilities. 330-673-2459. (25)

Neat, responsible GWM looking for same to share house in SW suburb; $365 per month, garage, washer & dryer, quiet neighborhood, close drive to Southland, Tri-C West, Baldwin Wallace College. 216-433-1569.


Car Detailing

"Family operated," hand or machine wax, for best in auto appearance call Dave or Chris at 614-901-0756. Columbus area.


Hot Cincinnati Guys


Meet by phone. Try it FREE! 513-421-6253. Code 6140.

Massage for the Discriminating

Matthew De Long. Serving the Cincinnati Tri-State Area. "Put Yourself in My Hands." 513-763-3809.

Orgasmic XXX Nude Massage

Sensuously stimulating! By well-built experienced male. 24 hour service In/Out calls. Cleveland area. Call 800-514-8648. ̧ (25)

24 Hour Sensual Rubdown Given by versatile college student. Hotel/housecalls. Low rates. Cleveland Call Mark 216-491-4501 (2)

A CALENDAR GUY! "A PERFECT NIGHTCAP!” Meet the hottest guys in town! Masculine models/ escorts/strippers! Exotic full body massage...! Call now! 614-424-6260. Accepting applications. (25)

FREE LIVE HOT GAY CHAT PowerCruise Orgy Rooms More!







Only Low L.D. Rates 18+


Man to man massage. Page Tom at 1-440-301-3167. Enter your number and then *81.
